Tips for how to preserve flowers

Tips for how to preserve flowers

Best Tips for how to preserve flowers and for long time and also discuss the flowers preservation method in details.

how to preserve flowers

Tips for how to preserve flowers
  • Receiving a bouquet of flowers is, even while waiting for it, a reason for joy. However, it is important that from the first moment we take some precautions. 
  • We are referring to small essential gestures when it comes to knowing how to preserve a of flowers that, far from being able to wait, we have to carry out from the beginning.
  • Let’s keep something fundamental in mind. A florist has a specific environment to prolong the life of the natural flower. 
  • One of the reasons for this to happen, as it happens in the Verdecora  flower shop ,  is something that we can feel when we enter: the condensation of humidity in the space
  • . And it is that, far from being secondary, hydration is one of the fundamental aspects to prolong the life of the cut flower. 
  • For this reason, and especially if we decide to buy a bouquet of flowers online, it is vital that we carefully check this aspect. So that your flowers arrive in perfect condition at their destination, our florist puts the flowers in a moisturizing bag.
  •  A unique ally to ensure that, even if the transport lasts just 24 hours, our branch does not suffer from the change of environment.
Tips for how to preserve flowers

1. Avoid changes in temperature, key when it comes to how to preserve flowers

  • A fundamental question to know how to preserve a bouquet of flowers. The cut flower is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature .
  •  Exposing them to both rises and falls in the thermometer can completely ruin their beauty. For this reason, we will always have to find a location away from any draft. But not only that.
  •  it is also important that they do not receive direct sun. Heat is a great enemy, so we will have to extend it to keep them away from any artificial source of heat.
  •  It does not hurt either, in case of living in a climate with mild nights, that we take our bouquet of flowers outside.
  • The temperature is extendable, too, when it comes to the water in the vase. In general, the ideal is that it is always warm. A consideration that differs slightly when it comes to roses or flower bulbs: in this case, cold water is ideal.

2. Take care of the water in the vase

  • How to preserve a of flowers is not just following the instructions. It is also paying attention. Something that we have to apply, fundamentally, to the water in which our flowers will live. 
  • First of all, let’s not abuse it. For our flowers to be perfect, it is enough that they have between seven and ten centimeters of water .
  • In addition to this, we will have to be regular in changing the water. Ideally, do it at least once a day. 
  • This will prevent the proliferation of bacteria that can spread through our floral stems. It is also important to thoroughly clean the vase at each change.

3. Correctly placing the flowers in the vase, vital in how to preserve a of flowers

  • How to preserve a bouquet of flowers has a fundamental aspect: how we place it in our vase. Incredible as it may seem, this fact affects a lot! in the duration of our flowers. To begin with, it is important to remove all the decoration that surrounds it.
  •  Although it may seem like a detail without more, it is not. The natural flower needs to be oxygenated, and for this it is essential to remove any aspect that is not purely natural.
  • In addition to this, before placing the flowers in water we have to cut them slightly . Ideally, we should remove one centimeter from the stems, always at 45 degrees and, preferably, doing it under water.
  •  Finally, something important in this regard: remove the leaves that are in contact with water . Leaving them on the stems will only encourage the proliferation of rot and bacteria.
  • Finally, one last tip in this regard that will help us how to preserve a bouquet of flowers. It is  to choose the vase correctly . 
  • Prolonging the life of our beauties involves letting them have space between them to breathe. Therefore, the ideal is that they have space to be able to oxygenate properly.
Tips for how to preserve flowers

4. Use a specific floral preservative

  • Although rarely used, using a floral preservative is critical to knowing how to preserve a bouquet. 
  • We are talking about a specific type of fertilizer for cut flowers that is added to the water, and that has multiple benefits. Not only does it help the flowers take longer to spoil. In addition, it makes the water meet the necessary conditions to delay the appearance of bacteria.
  • It is not the only advantage of its use. Adding floral preservative to our bouquet of flowers allows us to extend the useful life of the water in the vase. Instead of changing it daily, we can do it every two days.
  • If you buy a bouquet of Verdecora flowers online, don’t worry: our delivery includes the dose of preservative your flowers need to extend their life.

5. Remove faded flowers

The last tip to know how to preserve a bouquet of flowers and, perhaps, the most logical of all. Removing withered flowers from our bouquet will allow us to prevent them from damaging the surrounding ones.

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